Is the human sense of smell a diminishing skill?

There is evidence to suggest that the human sense of smell may be declining in some populations, particularly in industrialized countries.
A study published in the journal Chemical Senses in 2002 found that the ability to identify common odours has decreased significantly in the United States over the past century, possibly due to environmental factors such as pollution and exposure to chemicals.
In addition, some experts suggest that the widespread use of air conditioning and heating systems, which can create stagnant air and reduce air circulation, may also be contributing to a decline in the sense of smell. This is because our sense of smell relies on molecules in the air, and a lack of air movement can limit the amount of odour molecules that reach our nasal receptors.
However, it is important to note that the human sense of smell is still a highly sensitive and complex sense, capable of detecting a wide range of odours and nuances in scent. With practice and training, it is possible to improve one's ability to identify and differentiate between different scents.
Overall, while there may be some evidence to suggest that the human sense of smell is declining in some populations, it remains a valuable and important sense that plays a crucial role in our daily lives.
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